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2022-05-05 13:53:58 发表 | 来源:天津茱莉亚学院






The Tianjin Juilliard School announces three new appointments to its Pre-College studio faculty roster for the 2022-2023 academic year. They are violinist Jin Zhou, cellist Bo Zhang, and pianist Andrew Tyson. The school places great importance on finding the ideal faculty to teach, mentor, and guide our students who are in the early stages of their lifelong journeys of learning music and developing their unique artistic voices.

“We are fortunate to have Zhou, Zhang, and Tyson join our formidable roster of teachers from around the globe to support Tianjin Juilliard’s pedagogical mission,” said Robert Ross, associate dean of Pre-College and Educational Development.

Trained at the finest conservatories in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and recognized as successful teachers and performing artists, Zhou, Zhang, and Tyson bring to our students a globally-minded approach to music education, and will equip them with the tools they need for future success.



周瑾|Jin Zhou

作为一名活跃在世界舞台的小提琴家,周瑾在包括意大利第25届Barletta青年音乐家国际大赛、第一届马耳他国际弦乐比赛、全国室内乐邀请赛在内的多项赛事中都荣获首奖。她以独奏家及室内乐演奏家的身份多次与中国国家交响乐团、台北青年爱乐乐团、台湾Salut音乐节乐团、天津交响乐团等合作,并先后受邀在维也纳ISA音乐节、布拉格德沃夏克室内乐音乐节、德国Harz Classix音乐节、土耳其Izmir音乐节、巴西及马来西亚音乐节等举办独奏及室内乐音乐会。2009年,周瑾曾以首席身份受邀参与亚洲青年管弦乐团亚洲巡演。


周瑾出生于音乐世家,先后毕业于上海音乐学院附中、德国汉堡国立音乐学院和台湾师范大学,师从小提琴教育家郑石生教授、陈沁红教授、前伦敦爱乐首席Boris Garlitsky,拥有德国汉堡国立音乐学院、上海音乐学院双硕士学历。


Violinist Jin Zhou was born into a musical family in Wuhan, China. She is the first prize winner of the 25th Italy Barletta Musician International Competition, first prize winner of the China National Chamber Competition, and also received the top prize at the Malta International Strings Competition. As an active recitalist and chamber musician, Zhou performs regularly with the China National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, Taiwan Salut Festival Orchestra, Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, among others. She has given recitals at world-renowned venues and festivals including the International Summer Academy in Austria, Dvorak Chamber Music Festival in Prague, Harz Classix in Germany, and the Izmir Music Festival in Turkey. Zhou was also invited to be concertmaster of the Asia Youth Orchestra for their 2009 Asia Tour.

Zhou serves as faculty at Soochow University, Suzhou SUST, and Zhejiang Conservatory of Music Middle School since 2014. Her students have won top prizes in many competitions, such as the International Music Competition London Grand Prize Virtuoso, Moscow International Music Competition, Citta di Massa International Competition for Young Musicians, and Hong Kong International String Competition. She was also invited as a guest faculty at summer festivals and academies such as Taiwan Salut music festival and Yasar Chamber Music Academy in Turkey.

Zhou received her Master’s degrees from Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, studying with Boris Garlitsky and Shanghai Conservatory of Music, studying with Shisheng Zheng.


张博|Bo Zhang

张博,2022年加⼊天津茱莉亚学院担任预科部教师。自2018年起,张博于中央⺠族⼤学⾳乐学院任教,并于2014年加入中国爱乐乐团。2009年,他以签约大提琴演奏员的身份加入美国Las Colinas交响乐团。同年加入Abilene爱乐乐团担任⼤提琴副⾸席。

张博自幼师从娜木拉教授学习大提琴,后在中央民族大学音乐学院预科班师从王⼒教授学习。随后他赴德克萨斯基督教⼤学攻读⾳乐学⼠学位,师从于Jesus Castro-Balbi博⼠。就读期间,他参加了首届TCU大提琴节,为Aldo Parisot教授演奏,随后被Parisot教授推荐参加2008年韩国大山音乐节。

2011年,张博考⼊美国耶鲁⼤学⾳乐学院并获得全额奖学⾦攻读⾳乐硕⼠学位,师从著名⼤提琴教育家Aldo Parisot教授,重奏师从于Kazuhide Isomura,并加入耶鲁⼤学⼤提琴重奏团及院长学生委员会。2013 年,以优异的成绩从美国耶鲁⼤学毕业并获得象征耶鲁⼤学⾳乐学院⼤提琴最⾼荣誉的Aldo Parisot奖。同年,考⼊加拿⼤多伦多⼤学⾳乐学院并获全额奖学⾦攻读⾳乐艺术博⼠学位,师从加拿⼤著名⼤提琴家Shauna Rolston教授,重奏师从于Tim Ying,并担任Shauna Rolston教授教研室助教。


Cellist Bo Zhang joined The Tianjin Juilliard School as Pre-College faculty in 2022. He has been a faculty member at Minzu University of China since 2018, and joined the China Philharmonic Orchestra in 2014. He joined the cello section of the Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra, and Abilene Philharmonic Orchestra as the associate principal in 2009.

As a young musician, he studied cello with Professor Na Mula and Professor Li Wang at the Pre-College School of Music of Minzu University of China. Zhang obtained his Bachelor of Music majoring in Cello Performance at the Texas Christian University (TCU), where he studied with Jesus Castro-Balbi. He took part in the first TCU Cellofest and played for Professor Aldo Parisot where he was recommended by Parisot to attend the Great Mountains Music Festival in South Korea in 2008.

In 2011, after entering the Yale School of Music at Yale University, Zhang earned his Master of Music majoring in Cello Performance under the supervision of Professor Aldo Parisot. At Yale, Zhang studied chamber music under Kazuhide Isomura, was a member of the Yale Cellos, was invited to join the Dean’s Student Council, and won the Aldo Parisot Prize at Yale University. In 2013, he was admitted with full scholarship to the University of Toronto in Canada to work on his doctoral degree majoring in Cello Performance, where he studied under Shauna Rolston and Tim Ying. Zhang was a Teaching Assistant at the University of Toronto.


安德鲁·泰森|Andrew Tyson

安德鲁·泰森,被英国BBC Radio 3誉为“真正的钢琴诗人”的美国钢琴家。2015年夏季,他在苏黎世的Géza Anda钢琴比赛中荣获一等奖以及莫扎特与听众奖。此后,他在Géza Anda基金会的赞助下于欧洲各地举行多场演奏会。

安德鲁·泰森还在利兹国际钢琴比赛中获得Terence Judd-Hallé Orchestra奖,这一奖项由哈雷乐团及其指挥马克· 埃尔德爵士颁发。他曾在北美及欧洲各地多次进行协奏曲演出,合作乐团包括北卡罗来纳交响乐团、科罗拉多州交响乐团、堪萨斯城交响乐团和爱丽丝塔利音乐厅的圣卢克乐团,以及伯恩茅斯交响乐团、大阪交响乐团、斯图加特SWR交响乐团、温特图尔音乐学院和弗兰德斯交响乐团。

他曾在欧美各大城市的音乐厅举办独奏音乐会,如布鲁塞尔艺术宫、纽约卡内基音乐厅、苏黎世音乐厅和圣彼得堡的马林斯基剧院。他还频繁亮相各大音乐节,此前参加过卡拉莫尔音乐艺术节、卢塞恩钢琴节、日本的太平洋音乐节和悉尼的Musica Viva音乐节,进行独奏和室内乐演出。

安德鲁·泰森在柯蒂斯音乐学院从师Claude Frank,后又在茱莉亚学院师从Robert McDonald。目前全职受聘于浙江音乐学院。



Hailed by BBC Radio 3 as “a real poet of the piano,” American pianist Andrew Tyson brings a distinctive and imaginative approach to everything he plays. In summer 2015, he was awarded First Prize at the Géza Anda Competition in Zürich, as well as the Mozart and Audience Prizes. These victories have resulted in numerous performances throughout Europe under the auspices of the Géza Anda Foundation.

Tyson is also a laureate of the Leeds International Piano Competition where he won the Terence Judd-Hallé Orchestra Prize, awarded by the orchestra and conductor Sir Mark Elder, with whom he enjoys an ongoing relationship. With concerto performances taking him across North America, Europe and further afield, Tyson has performed with orchestras from the North Carolina Symphony, the Colorado Symphony, the Kansas City Symphony and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Alice Tully Hall, to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Osaka Symphony, SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart, Musikkollegium Winterthur and the Flanders Symphony Orchestra.

Recital appearances include major cities across the US and Europe at venues such as Brussels’ Palais des Beaux-Arts, New York’s Carnegie Hall, the Zürich Tonhalle and St. Petersburg's Mariinsky Theater. No stranger to the festival scene, Tyson’s previous performances include Caramoor Centre for the Music and the Arts, the Lincoln Center’s Mostly Mozart Festival, the Lucerne Piano Festival, the Pacific Music Festival in Japan and the Musica Viva festival in Sydney for a mixture of solo and chamber performances.

Tyson studied with Claude Frank at The Curtis Institute of Music, and with Robert McDonald at The Juilliard School. He currently teaches at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music in Hangzhou, China.

Andrew Tyson is a Yamaha Artist.